Trump el estafador
Darlo a Donald Trump. Él es un consumado estafador. Ha sido muy eficaz desde el principio para pintar Hillary Clinton como un ladrón y un mentiroso y tirar tanto antibalas que ha sido capaz de desviar la atención de su propia conducta torcida torcida y la verdad. Trump es como el vendedor se muestra en el clásico de Broadway, "el hombre de la música". A diferencia del vendedor tratando de vender 76 trombones de la ciudad del río, lo que se ha propuesto kazoos impulsados por el aire caliente de los planes inverosímiles o nada en absoluto. Estas son sólo algunas de sus vulnerabilidades que Hillary Clinton debería aprovechar e ir a la ofensiva en los próximos debates presidenciales.
A medida que el foro "comandante en jefe", reveló, Donald Trump no tenía un plan para acabar con ISIS, pero daría a sus generales de un mes para llegar a un plan que puede o no puede aceptar, dependiendo si él "le gusta" la misma. Lo que él había indicado anteriormente era de 30.000 tropas de tierra, que es una repetición de un fracaso en el pasado
En el mismo foro era el plan ceja recaudación de Trump de "tomar el aceite" de una nación soberana, como la manera de detener el ascenso de ISIS tales como las organizaciones, ya que "a los vencedores pertenecen los despojos." Aparte de su ignorancia de la ley internacional, hizo caso omiso de los elementos de la guerra civil, tribales y religiosas que provocan la subida si ISIS, que hasta quince años de ocupación de Estados Unidos nunca pudo resolver.
Cuando se trataba de deportar a once millones en el país, una vez más, que no sea poner criminales como una prioridad, que deja vacía o no, o incluso la forma, que se ocuparía el resto.
Es un artista flam del flim experto, utilizando datos falsos para hacer su argumento de venta. verificadores de datos notaron pantalones de Trump en el fuego, medias verdades, exageraciones y la mitad de la historia cuando se trata de utilizar cifras y estadísticas. Clinton tarifas mucho mejor.
Aunque él dice que dio millones a organizaciones benéficas, sin embargo, se niega a liberar sus declaraciones de impuestos para mostrar a qué, no ha habido ninguna evidencia descubierta que dio mucho que ningún organizaciones benéficas. Sin embargo, su fundación de caridad dio $ 25 de mil dólares contribución política ilegal desde su fundación a un grupo de apoyo fiscal general de Florida, mientras que su Universidad Trump estaba bajo investigación por fraude. El fiscal general más tarde presentó ningún cargo. Tanto Trump y la AG niegan las conexiones. Se ha denunciado, también, que ha dado aún más a la fiscal general de Texas, bajo circunstancias similares, lo que resulta en su dejar caer el caso de la Universidad Trump. El resultado es que los que se sienten estafado, cebo y se cambió, han tenido que buscar la justicia mediante la presentación de demandas colectivas, los ensayos de post programado elecciones de noviembre.
Como juego de la cáscara de un charlatán de feria, que ataca a la Fundación Clinton como un juego de pago, sin evidencia fue influyó en su política exterior, sin embargo, sus enmarañadas relaciones comerciales con Rusia, Ucrania y Turquía, y otros enemigos o amigos, reveló en una reciente Newsweek informe de investigación .. Uno puede trazar una línea recta desde sus aspiraciones empresariales en Rusia a su promoción de la política exterior de Putin. Eso simplemente girando sobre Trump inc. a sus hijos en una confianza ciega no le quite de un conflicto de intereses con consiguiente impacto en la política exterior. miembros de la familia no se consideran una confianza ciega legítimo y sus inversiones en bienes raíces son ciegos a nadie. html? tid = a_inl
mate con: the birther issue. Donald Trump yesterday agreed President Obama was born in the US after five years of leading the the issue as his stepping stone to the GOP nomination. The following poll shows 72% of Republicans swallowed the con...either doubting Obama's citizenhsip or swallowing it hook line and sinker. While the response yesterday from Trump supporters was not race that was the motivation, it was his Muslim religion. Huh? The other line: Hillary started it in 2008, which, while one of her staffers suggested she use the birther concept, the media was quick to tag that as false. She never used that line. That it was false belief that Obama was a Muslim was a stand alone attack. However, That was not how most everyone else saw it: As Gen. Colin Powell's leaked email revealed his thoughts: it was about racism. His views were similar as the response from most African American leaders: that was clear to them it birtherism was sheer race motivated...and was a dog whistle to racists.
Hand it to Donald Trump. He is a consummate con man. He has been very effective from the beginning to paint Hillary Clinton as a crook and a liar and throwing out so much flak that he has been able to divert attention from his own crooked and truth twisted behavior. Trump is like the salesman depicted in the Broadway classic, “the Music Man”. Unlike the salesman trying to sell 76 trombones to River City, what he has proposed are kazoos powered by the hot air of implausible plans or nothing at all. These are just some of his vulnerabilities that Hillary Clinton should exploit and go on the offense in the upcoming presidential debates.
As the “Commander in Chief” forum revealed, Donald Trump had no plan to stamp out ISIS but would give his generals a month to come up with a plan which he may or may not accept, depending if he “liked” it. What he had earlier indicated was 30,000 ground troops, which is a repeat of a past failure
In the same forum was Trump’s eyebrow raising plan to “take the oil” from a sovereign nation, as the way of stopping the rise of ISIS like organizations, because” to the victors belong the spoils.” Aside from his ignorance of international law, he ignored the tribal and religious civil war elements causing the rise if ISIS, that even fifteen years of US occupation could never resolve.
When it came to deporting eleven million in the country, once again, other than putting criminals as a priority, he left empty whether or not or even how, he would handle the rest.
He is a skilled flim flam artist, using false facts to make his sales pitch. Fact checkers have rated Trump pants on fire, half- truths, exaggerations and half the story when it comes to using figures and statistics. Clinton fares much better.
While he claims he gave millions to charities, yet refuses to release his tax returns to show to what, there has been no evidence uncovered he gave much to any charities. However his charitable Foundation gave $25 thousand dollar illegal political contribution from his foundation to a group backing Florida attorney general while his Trump University was under investigation for fraud. The attorney general later filed no charges. Both Trump and the AG deny the connections. There are allegations, too, that he gave even more to the Texas attorney general under similar circumstances, resulting in his dropping the Trump University case. The result is that those who feel ripped off, baited and switched, have had to seek justice by filing class action suits, the trials scheduled post November election.
Like a carnival barker’s shell game, he attacks the Clinton foundation as play for pay, with no evidence her foreign policy was influenced, yet his entangling business dealings with Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey, and other enemies or friends, revealed in a recent Newsweek investigative report.. One can draw a straight line from his business aspirations in Russia to his promotion of Putin’s foreign policy. That simply turning over Trump inc. to his children in a blind trust does not remove him from conflict of interests with subsequent impact on foreign policy. Family members are not considered a legitimate blind trust and his real estate investments are blind to no one.